Born in Seattle, Washington 32 years ago, Bud grew up with ambitions of being a third baseman. He had a tryout with the Rainiers in 1932--but didn't stick--then spent a couple of years at Pacific University in Oregon. In 1934, Foster started in radio. That called him to Alaska, where at 23, he became the youngest station manager in North America. Bud managed two radio stations in Alaska. He built and operated Station KFAR in Fairbanks unitl the war came.
Retained as a War Correspondent with NBC from ‘43 to ‘45, he covered the Aleutian Islands Campaign. He was the only reporter on record to fly bombing missions over Japan from both the Aseutians and Marianas. Then Foster, covering the Marines, hit Iwo Jima and Okinawa on respective D-Days. The war ended for him in Okinawa, where he was wounded and hospitalized. He came back in late 1945 and took over the Oakland Broadcasting job, where he is immensely popular.
He has been announcer on Bob Hope and Duffy's Tavern shows. This is his second season
behind the mike for the Oaks.
Listen to the actual voice of Oaks' broadcaster Bud Foster as he announces the starting lineup of the 1948 Oakland Oaks and calls a Martin to Hamrick to Etten double play. Click on the sounders below.
And hear Bud Foster announce a half inning of play between the 1948 Oaks and the Seals as Oaks' second baseman Dario Lodigiani and left fielder Brooks Holder come to bat against Seals' pitchers Con Dempsey and Bill Werle, with Seals fielders Dino Ristelli and Mickey Rocco making the plays in the field. (A slideshow presentation in RealAudio.)