In August of 1944, Oaks trainer Red Adams learned that his batboy would not be returning in 1945. Later that day, 10 year old Chuck Symonds happened to accompany his father to the clubhouse. Chuck's father was a salesman for a company that provided the Oaks with chewing gum, tobacco, sunflower seeds, and other products. Adams offered the job to Chuck, who accepted it on the spot.
Chuck started at the beginning of the 1945 season, and has been the Oaks' regular batboy ever since. His job, for which he is paid $2.50 per day, consists of making sure the bats, weighted bats, rosin bags and catching gear are ready for the players. During batting practice, he supplies balls to the practice pitcher. During the games, he assists the players with their bats. And after the games, he makes sure the dugout is clear and carries the bats back to the clubhouse.
Whenever he travels with the team during the summer, Chuck gets $3 a day meal money, but
sometimes the players will buy his meals so he can have some pocket money. His job doesn't
excuse him from his studies though. He attends school five days a week, rushing
to the ball park as soon as his classes are over. His teachers have no complaints, because he
finishes all of his homework. What a job!
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